How to Lose Weight at Home - Creating a Healthy Home, Family and Self

The world is fast approaching a time when we all need help to lose weight at home. Creating healthy homes and families will be a critical challenge across the globe in the coming century as the world faces an obesity related crisis. No longer is losing weight just about vanity or feeling better. Reducing weight is becoming a choice between health and sickness, life and death with overweight or obesity being linked to more than 20 diseases and conditions including diabetes, cancer and heart disease. In 2012, more than 18 million people died from complications relating to high blood pressure, blood sugar, cholesterol and obesity.

It is likely that more than 1 billion people will be obese by 2030 with the new hot spots being Mexico, China, India and Brazil. The transnational food giants have focused their attentions on these rapidly developing economies and are pouring resources into switching the taste buds of these populations onto sugar and fat in concentrated forms and large quantities.

Sweetened juices and soft drinks are a significant part of the problem. Energy dense and nutrient poor, these drinks can provide significant portions of daily energy requirements but they are not being calculated as such.

A growing culture of eating fast food and takeaway at the expense of healthy home-cooked meals is exacerbating the problem. There are other factors at play such as increasing wealth and aggressive marketing by international food companies.

For individuals the weight loss battle is complex. Cheap processed foods high in fat and sugar become part of an unhealthy, ingrained and addictive food regime. Worse still, transnational food companies are targeting children and young people, who become loyal lifelong consumers.
A key element to tackling this issue is education and awareness campaigns. Foods need to be clearly labelled just as tobacco products are in many parts of the world.

But health eating and lifestyles are created and nurtured in the home. Parents can play a very important role in educating their children about good and bad foods. Parents need to set the example early by relying on fresh, home cooked meals and keeping treats as just that, an occasional indulgence. A culture of fitness and health needs to be developed in the family with activity and exercise a part of everyday life.

To lose Weight at Home is the first step in withdrawing from those frightening statistics. Clean out the pantry or larder, the fridge and the freezer, removing cakes, biscuits, lollies, ice-cream, soft drinks and fruit juice. Watch carefully what goes in your trolley at the supermarket. A quick glance in the shopping trolley of supermarket shoppers will tell you a lot about the eating habits of that individual and his or her family. Shop like a fit, healthy, slim person. Look out for those people in the supermarket and follow them around, mimic their behaviour!

Being overweight is no fun. Life is short and it's too precious to waste. Break the habit, fight the addiction and start the journey to a healthier you. To lose weight at home can be as simple as sensible shopping, avoiding fast food outlets and take away shops, re-learning the art of cooking and getting active.

Ally O is passionate about helping people reclaim their health and optimism by losing weight and regaining a sense of health and vitality. Find her blog at Be part of the world-wide weight loss movement and change your life!
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